Little Dominique's Shoes - Wholesale in the United States
08/07/2014 13:40
Putting a spotlight on toddlers and children, "Little Dominique's Shoes" offers the newest styles and trends for the younger or newest generations. Our mission is to convey the individuality of our customers, designed and developed to suit even the youngest of souls. Ensuring quality and confort each step on the way, our new line is created specifically for the needs of your young ones, ready to take on the everyday hustle and bustle of a child. From their first steps, to special occasions, family gatherings, and school events "Little Dominique's Shoes" ensures an enjoyable experience for every youngster. let your kids' feet be free, "Little Dominique's Shoes" will take care of the rest.
Little Dominique's Shoes - Wholesale in the United States

Little Dominique's Shoes - Leather footwear for Kids and Toddlers. Wholesale in USA. We ship UPS ground within the United States (restrictions apply). Please contact us for more information:
Little Dominique's Shoes
Tels: (562)656-7453 | (562) 639-4674
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